Full Appraisal

Determine the value of your house

Our certified appraisers will provide a totally objective full valuation report. You will need this, for example, when purchasing, financing or refinancing a house or when you go through a divorce. Our appraisers are there to help you. They are affiliated with the NWWI (Nederlands Woning Waarde Instituut = the Dutch property value institute) and can give you an experts advice on the value of your property.

Certified valuers

The Amsterdam Estate Brokers appraisers are also affiliated with the NRVT (Nederlands Register Vastgoed Taxateurs =  Dutch valuers register) who set and check the required standards. The real estate appraisal report is also checked by the Nederlands Woning Waarde Instituut (NWWI).

Property value

In order to determine the value of your property the appraiser will assess it and compare recent sales of similar houses, taking into consideration the current market conditions. These results will be incorporated into a validated valuation report. It is important that the valuation is carried out by a certified valuer with the correct structural, economic and legal knowledge and a good understanding of the local market.

Reasons for a valuation

There are several reasons why you might need a valuation, for instance:

  • Determining the correct market value
  • Applying for financing for the purchase of a house
  • Better negotiating position when buying a house
  • Tax reasons
  • Transferring or adjusting your mortgage
  • Determining the reinstatement value
  • Divorce division of property
  • Estate division of assets

Make an appointment

If you would like to know more about our valuations feel free to make an appointment. We would be pleased to discuss the possibilities with you in an introductory meeting. Call +31 (0)20 333 11 00 or email amsterdam@makelaarsvan.nl

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