Home Search Profile

Register for free and be the first bidder!

Our buying agents will be happy to help you find your new dream home. With a free House Search Profile you will be at the front of the queue instead of at the back. Register and be the first to bid on your ideal home for sale in Amsterdam.

Opportunities in focus

Fill in the form below and record your housing wishes. Together with one of our estate agents, you will go through your wishes and find out whether they match the opportunities on the housing market. This will give you a realistic picture of your chances and our estate agent can get to work finding your ideal home.

Act quickly

Once we have found potential properties for you, we will send them directly to your e-mail address. It is then a matter of acting quickly to make appointments for viewings and start negotiations. No time is lost. We make every effort to be ahead of the competition.

Off market offers

In addition to our active search of existing offers, we also place your House Search Profile in our estate agency network. This will also give you a chance to access the 'off market' supply. This consists of homes that are not (yet) on Funda. Many sellers choose not to put their house for sale visibly. This may be for privacy reasons, but also to limit the number of viewings. With your House Search Profile you will automatically be included in this offer.

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