Free Estimated Valuation

Free Estimated Valuation

Expert advice on the right listing price

Our estate agents would be pleased to come over and give you an estimate of the value of your house, so you can get a better understanding of your chances in the Amsterdam housing market. No obligation, free and most importantly independent.

Objective and impartial

Our free estimated valuation is custom-made, according to your situation and specific requirements. It is advisable to engage with an objective estate agent who will view your house impartially. The longer you live in a house, the less you notice the negative aspects. 

Get an idea of the value

An estimated valuation is different from a full valuation report. It will give you an idea of the value of your house if you wish to sell it. A full valuation report is an official valuation that you will need when selling your house. 

Why have an estimated valuation?

There are various reasons you may choose to have a free estimated valuation carried out.

  • High WOZ (Valuation of Immovable Property) value. Sometimes the WOZ value is set too high and that can influence certain charges and taxes. Our estate agents could provide help if you choose to challenge this. They have the necessary information and understanding of the regulations on how to handle this.
  • Buying a house. If you are looking at buying a house, but would like to make sure the asking price is realistic. Our estate agents can make an estimated valuation so that you can fairly negotiate.
  • Selling or letting a house. Our free estimated valuation will help you come to a realistic listing price.  

Ask for a free estimated valuation

If you would like to know what your house is worth, please fill in the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible to arrange a free estimated valuation.

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